Imamate & Our Beliefs
The Truthful Ones & Hadith Al-Thaqalayn
The 12 Imams
The Verse of Proclamation
The Purification Verse & Infallibility of the Imams
Some More Ayats for the Classification of the Sahaba
Bukhari & Sahih Muslim Prove Shia
Quranic Verses of Imamate
Sources of Islam
Chronology of Islam
What happens if I reject Shia Islam?
Sunni vs Shia difference
An Imam always Exists on Earth
Sunni Caliphate VS Shia Imamate
Shia Ghadir Khumm vs Sunni Ghadir Khumm
The Difference Between Prophet & Messenger & Imam
Did Prophets & Messengers Sin In The Quran
Jesus Divinely Appoints James the Just
Prohibition Of Recording The Hadith
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10 Curious Facts About Shia Islam
10 Misconceptions About The Shia School of Thought
Is Mut’ah (Temporary Marriage) a Part of Islam?
Tawassul: Do Shias Worship Idols?
Why Sunnis don’t accept Imam Ali as the first Caliph when it is mentioned in their books.
O Sunnis! You Have Been Lied To (The 2 Weighty Things)
Sunni Scholar Discusses Hadith of 2 Weighty Things
When Will The Mahdi come?
The Signs of The Appearance of The Mahdi
The Mahdi – Occultation And The Unseen
Exposing Umar ibn. Khattab. Calamity of Thursday
Exposing Aisha b. Abu Bakr (Part 2)
Exposing Aisha b. Abu Bakr (Part 3)
Exposing Aisha b. Abu Bakr (Part 4)
Does Surah 24:11-31 exonerate Aisha?
Destroying the Sunni Case in 30 Minutes – Brother Eddie “The Deen Show”
Reborn – “I was told that Shias were very dangerous people.”
Reborn- “I thought Shias were kafir until I became a Shia”
The Savage Saudis
The Fabrication of Hadiths
The Corruption of The 6 Major Sunni Hadiths
Did the Prophet marry a 9 year old?
The Quran of Imam Ali (as)
The Distortion of The Quran
Was Ghadeer Khum about the spoils of Yemen?
The Truth About Ghadeer Khum And What Really Happened That Day
Did Imam Hassan (as) give away the Caliphate to Muawiya?
Exposing the Salafis of Hyde Park
Why Aren’t the Names of the 12 Imams in The Quran
Who Follows Ahlulbayt – Sunni or Shia (Exposing Adnan Rashid)
Sunni or Shia: The Quran Answers
Did Ali Give his Daughter to Umar for marriage?
12 Shia Imams Videos